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Dinkers are Thinkers

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Glossary Page

The Pickle Peep’s Pickleball Glossary, read on and enjoy with your peeps.
Baseline: The line at the back of the court (22 feet from the net) is where you must stay behind when serving.

Kitchen (Non-Volley Zone): The area 7 feet from the net on both sides where volleying (hitting the ball in the air before it bounces) is not allowed.

Dink: A soft shot that lands in the opponent’s kitchen.

Volley: Hitting the ball in the air before it bounces.

Serve: The shot that starts a point. Must be made diagonally to the opponent’s service court.

Return of Serve: The shot made by the receiver after the serve.

Double Bounce Rule: After the serve, each side must let the ball bounce once before volleys are allowed.

Fault: A rule violation, such as hitting the ball out of bounds, not clearing the net, or stepping into the kitchen to volley the ball.

Side Out: When the serve switches to the opposing team.

Let: A serve that hits the net but lands in the correct service court. The serve is retaken without penalty.

Rally: The sequence of hitting the ball back and forth between opponents.

Lob: A high, deep shot aimed to go over the opponent’s head.

Drop Shot: A soft shot intended to drop just over the net into the opponent’s kitchen.

Smash: A hard, overhead shot directed downward into the opponent’s court.

Third Shot Drop: A soft shot usually made after the serve and return of serve, intended to drop into the opponent’s kitchen.

Drive: A fast, powerful shot aimed to pass low over the net.

Poaching: When one player crosses into their partner’s area to make a play on the ball.

Spin: Applying rotation to the ball to affect its bounce and trajectory.

Singles: A game format with one player on each side.

Doubles: A game format with two players on each side.

Paddle: The equipment used to hit the ball. Smaller than a tennis racquet and larger than a ping-pong paddle.

Pickleball: The plastic ball with holes used in the game.

Ace: A serve that the opponent cannot return, winning the point immediately.

Foot Fault: When a player steps into the non-volley zone while volleying or steps on/over the baseline while serving.

Drop Serve: A serve where the ball is dropped from any height and then hit after it bounces.